Saturday 11 June 2011

Dear God

Any one ask children about god, what they will reply.

Here are some examples,

Dear God,

I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church.
Is that ok

Dear God,
I think about you sometimes even when I am not praying.


Dear God,
I am American
What are you?


Dear God,
Thank you for the baby brother but what I prayed for was a puppy.


Dear God,

I bet it is very hard, for you too love all of everybody in the whole world. There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it.


Dear God,

Please put another holiday between Christmas and Easter.
There is nothing good in their now.


Dear God,

If you watch in church on Sunday I will show you my new shoes.


Dear God,

If you give me genie lamp like Aladdin.
I will give you anything you want except my money or chess set.


Dear God,

Please send dennis clark to a different camp this year.


Dear God,

I don’t think anybody could be a better God. Well I just want you to know buy I am not just saying that because you are good charles.

Dear God,

Are you really invisible or is that just a trick.


Dear God,

I want to be just like my Daddy when I get big but not with so much hair all over.


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